Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My wish for growing older

Jamie Riddler posted a wishcasting question on her blog today and I thought it was intriguing....

How do you wish to grow older?

There are a few things that immediately come to mind.  I want to grow older with more patience and laughter.  Right now, those things are inextricably linked.  I think that if you can laugh more, both at yourself and the situations life presents you, then you can stretch your patience and things don't feel like they are gnawing at you as much.

I want to grow older and be more creative.  I really wouldn't mind being an old lady shuffling through the grocery store with bits of thread or paper on my shirt just because I was so absorbed in a project.  Right now, being a mama, my job, my relationship and my to-do list take up the majority of space in my day and I think more about my creative wishes than I do spending time to execute, so that is definitely something I want to change.

I also want to grow older with a continued sense of curiosity and adventure.  When I retire (or before that time if I can figure out how to swing it), I want to drive around the U.S. in an old RV.  I want it to be all decked out in crazy colors and contain old, silly pottery that we find at country road flea markets.  I've had this dream for a long time, and I guess with that is the wish to grow older in good health so that I can do the things that I want to do.


  1. As Missy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Sounds like a wonderful adventure :)

  2. Missy,
    I love your photo..matches your fun energy!
    Travel, even if in your mind for now, expands your horizons..
    As Missy wishes for herself, so I too wish for her as well:)

  3. Great wishes - sound like the most amazing fun to me!!

  4. Love your spirit. Love your photo

    As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also

  5. It's hard to imagine someone with your youthful spirit ever growing "old"!

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well!

  6. Bring on the laughter! Great images!!

    As Missy wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.

  7. Great dream...great wish. Hope you will tramp over to my site for no other reason than that I want to share the picture of my self in glasses with you. :) It is part of my Wishcasting for this week. Great minds think alike!

    As Missy wishes for herself, so I too wholeheartedly wish for her.

  8. Hey Missy, thanks for visiting my blog...yes, I agree shopping while wearing our specs will be in order. Although, I think YOU should drive, cuz mine have me seeing things in 4's and 5's.

  9. As Missy wishes for herself, I also wish for her!


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